Sensor technology
Elotec EloRa Smart Sensors
We offer maintenance-free sensor technology with up to 10 years of battery life and 10km range. The sensors are designed for harsh conditions and therefore can be used in everything from detached houses and commercial buildings to agriculture and industry.
With Elotec EloRa, the user gets a better basis for decision-making with sensor data. This helps streamline operations and contribute to economic growth with continuous monitoring of resources.
The sensor can prevent major damage by getting an alert before a fire develops. With service and maintenance alerts to your mobile, you get a full overview of all necessary numbers and avoid machine downtime. The system has high security and encryption of data.

EloRa Manager
An overview program with a simpel user interface. Can be customized to suit your needs, whether you want simple graphs or detailed reports. Can be used both on PC and mobile.
Possibility for multiple users, also provides the opportunity to allow individual users to monior only parts of the facility. For example, electricians can access the temperature sensor in electrical cabinets, so that they can take a look before an electrical inspection.
Set your own limit values or choose standardized limit values set according to Norwegian standards. Select notification SMS or Email whenever the values approach the limits set.

EloRa Gateway
The central receives data from all the sensors and passes this on to the cloud solution. The only part of the system that requires internet and power access.
- Possibility of using 4G, WIFI or wired network
- Withstands harsh conditions, IP67
EloRa EloTemp with magnet
Get extra security that alerts long before the fire alarm detects smoke development. The sensor fits the fuse box and provides continous monitoring of the temperature in the electrical cabinets. The sensor alerts at a given limit.
- Comes with door switch, which indicates whether a door is open or closed.
- Withstands harsh conditions, IP67.
- Very stable measurements between -49 °C and 125 °C.
Areas of use
- Monitor temperature in electrical cabinets, cold storage or other places where temperature is important.

Temperature sensor with external probe, 1.5m
This is a device that provides very precise temperature measurement. Get a warning if the temperature approaches a critical value. The sensor can be mounted in most places.
● Highly accurate temperature sensor (+-0.5°C) which is based on a PT100 element that has very stable measurement between -50 and 200°C.
● Suitable for continuous monitoring of larger open areas and construction machinery etc.
● Withstands vibrations and harsh conditions. IP67.
● Wired probe of 1.5m can be customized.
Areas of use:
● Monitoring cold storage for vegetable production, get alerts before the harvest is ruined.
● Monitor the temperature of the flat silo, grain drying plant, pumps and motors. Get alerts before a possible heat build-up develops.
CO2 sensor
Safety for animals and people. With a CO2 sensor, you receive an alert in the event of air quality pollution, so that measures can be taken.
In addition to CO2 (carbide dioxide), the sensor measures temperature, humidity and air pressure. See battery level in real time. The sensor can be mounted in most places.
● Withstands vibrations and harsh conditions. IP67.
● Very stable measurement between 400-5000 ppm.
Areas of use:
● Ventilation systems in barns for warning of elevated CO2 levels to avoid dangerous situations for animals.
● Monitor the silo for silo gas (mainly CO2), get alerts before dangerous situations arise. CO2 is devoid of smell and taste, but it is suffocating even in smaller concentrations.
● Monitor CO2 levels when extracting tunnels, get alerts before a dangerous situation arises for the workers.
Soil sensor temp, moisture, conductivity
Get the status of the soil. Don't spend precious time analyzing the weather. Get exact numbers for when it’s time for action.
Measures soil moisture, soil temperature and conductivity of the soil.
● Withstands vibration and harsh conditions. IP66.
● Highly accurate measurement of both temperature(+-0.5'C) humidity (+-3%) conductivity (+-3%)
● Very easy installation in soil.
Areas of use:
● Monitoring humidity and temperature in the vegetable field or nursery, get alerts so that you can water at a very precise time, for optimal growth.

Ultrasonic level sensor
Get control of all warehouses, silos, tanks, dung cellars and other levels around the farm. Monitor what you need information about.
Accurately measures at a distance from measurable objects. The measurement is based on ultrasonic waves that are sent and reflected back from objects. The sensor can be placed in most places.
● Withstands vibrations and harsh conditions. IP66.
● Highly accurate measurement of distance. (+-1%)
● Very stable measurement between 0.3m to 10m.
Areas of use
Streamline day-to-day operations so you don't have to spend time trying to see if the grain silo needs to be refilled, the dung cellars/waste container needs to be emptied or if the tank needs to be filled.
Temperature and humidity sensor
Get control of the environment outdoors or in the various buildings on the farm/factory. This environmental sensor combined with the soil sensor gives you the opportunity for the best possible crop growth. Can be placed in most places.
● Measures ambient temperature
● Withstands vibrations and harsh conditions. IP67.
● Target range between -30 and +70 and 0% to 100% relative humidity
Areas of use:
● Monitor the surroundings in the barn, be notified if the situation changes outside the set limits.
● Monitor the surroundings of the greenhouse, be notified before the surroundings change and inhibit crop growth.
Bolus temp and activity
Sensor for monitoring cows. Get full control of activity and the condition of the animals in the barn 24/7 without having to be present.
You will be able to anticipate health events, such as rut, calving, rumen temperature, water intake and general health status. It is also possible to monitor the PH value in the rumen.
● Each sensor has a unique ID that can be linked to the name or earmark number.
● The seal on the sensor protects the electronics and can safely be in the animal all its service life.
● The sensor can be used on animals from 350 kg and heavier.
● Inserted with a standard Bolus gun.
Areas of use:
● Monitor the situation of the cows and call a vet before it is too late.
● Informative tool for the veterinarian to map the course of the disease.
● Get alerts before calving is underway so you can be present when it happens.